Election 2024 – Poll Watchers

October 28,2022 – Phoenix, U.S. Judge Michael Liburdi, a Trump appointee, refused to enjoin poll watchers armed and wearing ballistic vests from monitoring ballot boxes.

There could hardly be better opportunities for those with an elevated need to fight – bullies –  than at polling places. The enemy is guaranteed to be there – perfectly within reach. The appeal to be a “poll watcher” is compelling.

Spring and summer 2024 – The Republican “Election Integrity Network” recruits poll watchers for the upcoming election. Prominent former Trump lawyer Cleta Mitchell hosts workshops in swing states. In 2020 Mitchell had joined Trump on the phone call to Georgia’s Secretary of State to find the votes necessary for Trump to win Georgia. Toward the current poll watching recruitment she says we “are arming the army of patriots.”

October 8, 2024 – Forbes headline “Trump vs. Harris 2024 Polls: Harris Holds Onto Lead in 3 New Polls”.

The polls and media continue to portray this election like the elections in the past. It is not. Rather than polling with the question “who will you vote for?”, the question should be “will you vote if there are bullies in camo garb at your polling site?” Those who are less inclined to fight are less inclined to fight. Or to vote if faced with intimidation.

The best and last chance is for a landslide vote. This needs to occur in all states which will then carry great influence in public opinion and in possible recourse action. And landslide filings of intimidation which will likewise carry great weight in public opinion and possible recourse action.

More than a dozen Arizona voters filed voter intimidation complaints during the 2022 midterm election, claiming that drop box watchers were taking photos of them and confronting them as they went to vote. In one instance, here, two armed people stood outside of a ballot drop box in Mesa. (Courtesy of the Maricopa County Elections Department)